In the shape of super handy and tough and hot looking keyrings.

What’s the big deal ?

Titanium !! that’s the big deal ! Grade 5 titanium ! That means it’s corrosive resistant and strong as some steels. This is the metal they use in planes because it’s light weight and strong. It will last a life time and…well… lets face it…probably longer. This particular titanium comes in 3 stunning shapes the love heart, the cross and my personal favourite the bottle opener ! and being titanium it’s beautiful, we’ve found  it in some stunning colours as well blue, gold, stone tumble and burnished.

Still don’t quiet get what all the fuss is about ?

It’s not just a keyring it’s a carabiner and a keyring.
What the (insert chosen expletive here) is a carabiner? You know those handy loopy, clippy things that come in handy in so many situations.You can use it for all the things you need to hang up, pull back, loop up, bundle together, tie up to things or whatever other use you can find for it and because it’s titanium it’s strong so wont buckle or bend or snap. And if your ever in an emergency situation and need to get that illusive spark to light a signal fire to keep warm or just to appear like He-man because it’s titanium striking it against a rock should help you get that spark and all-the-while it looks fantastic !
Ok so you know what a keyring is but this keyring takes the “ring” out of keyring ! It’s uses a smart double gate system so instead of ripping your nails off your fingers trying to the your keys (or whatever) onto it you can simply open the gate slide it on, move it along open the 2nd gate, for extra security and slide it along again and there you have it in less then a second your key (or whatever) is on…or off the keyring.

Oh wait this might actually be the best thing of all.

It’s Australian made and designed and they look so bloody hot.

Find out more here

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